Tinker Bell Votive Candle Holder (2011) - ID: 045544314589

Tinker Bell Votive Candle Holder (2011) - ID: 045544314589 Disneyana




Image Size: 
3.25"x3.25"x3.25" candle holder , 1.5"x1.5"x1.5" plastic candle
Price: $40.00
SKU: 045544314589

A Tinker Bell Votive Candle Holder and battery-operated Candle designed by Romero Britto and released in 2011. Measuring 3.25"x3.25" and 3.25" tall and 1.5"x1.5" and 1.5" tall, the candle holder and candle are in fine condition and come with the original 4.5"x4.5"x4.5" box. Batteries are not included.

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